Ms. Sreelakshmi K.P
                Student Counselor

In the changing scenario, counseling cell plays a vital role in an educational institution.  Education stands for an overall development of a student and thus counseling cell, a facilitator.
Teachers in charge of counseling cell sat together and shared their thoughts about the problems faced by students and they came to a conclusion that we need to promote the well-being of our students and empower them with life skills needed to face the challenges of this dynamic world. Each student is precious. No valuable life should be lost because of our ignorance. Let us observe and be more vigilant in dealing students’ problems. Let us motivate the students to identify their inner strength which will enable them for their holistic development.


Counselling is an integral part of KMCT Polytechnic College to support the emotional health and holistic development of our students.

KMCT Polytechnic College has a full-time qualified professional Student Counselor, Ms. Sreelakshmi K.P, who has a master of science in Psychology and Psychotherapy and rich experience in the field.

Counselling helps students to manage their emotions better, improve focus on goals and work in a systematic manner for their better future. Group sessions are conducted to build self-esteem, manage stress, effectively manage time, help set goals, handle failure and emerge wiser from it, etc. Compassionate supportive counselling is extended for students who have mental health issues to help them regain good health and manage their studies effectively.

Some of the issues effectively handled by our Student Counselor are,